Category: Career

A Sociological Empath

My ORD Speech

Next week, my indirect understudy will be graduating from two years of NS! I hardly enjoyed my stint as a clerk, especially the final months leading to my own ORD. Yet these final few months also yielded a friend.

A Sociological Empath

My ORD Thoughts

NS is like a school you never picked, but got picked by. When something is not your 1st choice, or 2nd, or 3rd, it can be hard to be bothered. Every day is a struggle between sloth and diligence. It often seems that, whether we do more work or less,...

A Sociological Empath

ORD Mood

Simply means you want to slack. Which seems fine if you have given your fair share and more. But if your only motivation – no matter what you did before – is to dump work on others and leave them to their own devices, refusing to help or cover their...