Tagged: Sociology

Sociology Quotes - Max Weber on Vocation of Science

Self-Help Quotes: Max Weber on Scientific Personality

Who Is Max Weber? A German sociologist – regarded as one of its three founders – and political economist. He surfaced in 1864, and departed in 1920. In his time, he argued that capitalism developed out of a Protestant ethic, which regarded work as a religious calling. As the religion...

Sociology Quotes - Ivan Illich on Deschooling Skills

Ivan Illich: Deschooling Skills

Who Is Ivan Illich? A Croatian-Austrian philosopher. He surfaced in 1926, and departed in 2002. In his time, he writes radical polemics which fundamentally challenged the logic of Western institutions. He was a boldly deviant thinker under-appreciated by both the left and the right in later years. Look him up...

NUS SC2216 Emotions and Social Life

Reading List: NUS SC2216 Emotions and Social Life

Philosophy intrigues me. But like most of you, I hold onto a stereotypical fear of the subject: too abstract. In some sense we are right; there are technical branches within philosophy which deal with signs and symbols. (Not the kind of ‘logic’ we understand.) Yet there is also phenomenology, which...

NUS SC2211 Medical Sociology - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Reading List: NUS SC2211 Medical Sociology

Ri An asked us to each name a medical condition observed in the film, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. When it was my turn, I said “delusion”. Murmurs broke out in the class. Voices emerged and explained that delusion was not a medical condition, but a symptom. There was...

A Sociological Empath

NUS Sociology Module Reading Lists

Sociology speaks to individuals finding places within societies. Isn’t that what we do everyday, all our lives?